Artist Statement
Africa has held my muse since 1986 when I first began to explore remote tribal regions with my cameras and mirrors. I was looking for integral relationships between the Indigenous people and the natural world, using the mirrors as a decoder- a way to break through the sharp edges of documentary photography and release something more intimate. I have lived with many tribes between 1986 and 2012 including the Dogon, Tuareg, Akan, Omo Valley Tribes, the Efe, Turkana, and San People.
Process Statement
All of my prints are silver capture: I use film and light sensitive fine art silver paper processed by hand, by me- in an old fashioned darkroom. My latest prints are large format platinum/palladium prints on a fine art rag paper. I work with a platinum printer to make them. There are no digital special effects in any of my prints: I shoot FULL frame and never crop. Each photograph is a mirror reflection taken from a large mirror I design, have built and haul into the field with me.
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Click on any of the thumbnail images to launch the viewer. You can then navigate forward and backward within the portfolio by clicking the left or right side of the enlarged image. Click the add to collection checkbox to automatically add an image to your collection. Image tags or search engine keywords appear below the collections' checkbox and each word or phrase is a link to potentially more image matches.